Debra Shine

debra shine pic

Debra Shine’s background includes 38 years of sales, marketing and business consulting with a wide variety of companies to increase their bottom line and have them succeed. Debra has also raised capital for clients.

Debra began her career with four start-up computer companies, two of which went public. She achieved unrivaled sales in the Midwest by establishing a $13M distribution channel in only two years. Exceeding this initial achievement, she developed a $50M international market in two years for a Fortune 500 company.

Recently, Debra consulted in the development and launch of Kaleidoscope, the digital marketing display, including all aspects, raising funds, sales, business development strategies, contract negotiations, marketing, internal protocols and staffing. Now Debra is creating new markets and channels to sell and license Kaleidoscope.

Debra offers Marketing $eminars (live or virtually) and Developmental Days that help businesses create effective and powerful plans to grow. Marketing drives sales, and sales drive the growth and success of your business!

As the owner and founder of Flagship, you can benefit from her consulting talent. She brings a wealth of experience to any client or business.

Consultant and Master Strategist
Flagship Leading The Way
Business: 415-450-9566
Cellphone: 415-497.3163

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